on knowing and not-yet knowing, and on using language:
an introduction to Thinking At the Edge (TAE)

by Kye Nelson

On knowing and not-yet knowing:

An 'edge' is what is newly coming HERE, in me, as instances of what-is-not-in-categories manifest in my experience. At THIS edge, I 'know' but don't yet KNOW, THAT. 'Knowing' at least brings with it the possibility of something's sudden possibility and the experiencing of experiencing. 'Knowing' is encountering IN HERE, that THAT..... is.

But 'knowing' is not yet KNOWING until it knows its own knowing--until the structure that wasn't there becomes precisely THIS structure that was there, already. KNOWING is at least articulating FROM INSIDE this moving structure, THIS structure which re-structures as it articulates THAT which is possible and has been experienced.

And a human being is at least this process of articulating..... THIS.

On using language:

HERE there is a use OF language that can, in a sense, free people from the constraints imposed by the layers of history and culture carried WITHIN language. Words standing alone DO trap us within a mesh of cultural and historical assumptions. But it is possible to find and make phrases and sentences in such a way that THESE words can say something in direct reference to THAT, HERE, where before there WERE no words--only something inarticulate that wouldn't go away. We CAN exceed our language when we don't use words ALONE, but use them IN THIS WAY:

In a sense we get a whole new language, and in so doing we become able to think-on-from THAT which before had no words. We are not ENTIRELY trapped within a layered accretion of history or by our cultural situations: our bodies know MORE, and language--used in THIS way--can open up this "more".

This kind of saying does not enclose THAT in a closed concept. This kind of saying lets us make a new KIND of concept that precisely DOES NOT enclose, but which does evoke THAT--and when THESE words do succeed in evoking what is HERE, THIS opens further.

Our language IS culturally bound, and by and large we are not even aware of how language can systematically drop US out.  But in finding THAT and making THIS, WE ARE in the picture.

Thinking At the Edge is a means for theory-construction, though often it is used not to construct theories, but as a way to get to where you might find a way to say THIS about THAT. When it is used for theory-construction, a logical structure with interlinked terms results. However, not all or even most people who use TAE want or intend to create such a logical structure, and instead use it to say THIS, so they can evoke THAT which is HERE.

This material © 2000, 2001 by Kye Nelson. All rights reserved.

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