welcome to antheosophia

thinking directly from
living human processes

from the heart

an theo sophia: (an thay oe soe fee uh)
[[Greek anth flowering, flourishing + eo self- (sui), dawn, shining + sophia wisdom]] 1 wisdom flowering 2 wisdom about flourishing human beings 3 the essential, embodied wisdom of a flowering, luminous human being

Greetings! This is a legacy website I (Kye Nelson) first built a decade ago. My heartfelt desire then, as now, was to offer this website as part of the answer to the current need for a more 'real' and humane kind of thinking. I think we are just beginning to establish a new cultural pattern in which thinking from the depths of who we are and know, is to be expected. When these new ways of thinking become better established, the world built by our formal thinking can be more sound, better for us and for other living beings.

Antheosophia provides information and support for thinking and acting from this deep ground. Practices found here can help you to find this level in yourself, and then to clearly articulate what you haven't before been able to say. Such an articulation can be informal, but if you choose, you can also build new theory and practice from this level.

You may be interested in:
  • basic information about Thinking At the Edge
  • consultation and mentoring to learn how to guide yourself by referring to your implicit knowing in a wide variety of contexts--or if you would like individual guidance in working with the practices of Finding Your Place and Thinking At the Edge, which can help you think with what you know tacitly, from experience. [Note: There are now also other practices, developed after this website's time]
Antheosophia also contains And you can find Thinking has become separated from the body, from feeling, and from contemplation in our common understanding. But thinking can be a beautiful bodily process, like breathing. One can rest in it just as deeply as one can rest in one's breath, or one's movement.

To be able to rest deeply in one's embodied thinking it helps to learn first to attend to the felt sense level in one's already-existing contemplative practice. The practice of Focusing is a systematic way of working with this subtle level of embodied experience. When teachers are available who are skilled in teaching this ability as part of contemplative practice across spiritual traditions, this level becomes more widely available to anyone, no matter what their path.

At one time I offered an 18-month group teacher-training program for Focusing In Contemplation. I no longer teach groups, but I do accept a few students whom I work with individually. These students may already have been certified as Focusing trainers by other teachers; I provide them with more advanced training and supervision. If you think you would be a good candidate to work closely with me in this way, I'd be happy to hear from you (see link above).

In addition to the above, I am particularly interested in serving social entrepreneurs: people who are innovating practical new solutions to human needs, at key points where something wasn't working before.

Specifically, I can help at points where something needs to be articulated, or where someone is trying to move past old conceptions to a new way of seeing things that will allow forward movement.

There are two points where being able to articulate something which doesn't yet have words is especially important in the social entrepreneurship life cycle:
  • very early: when you know that there is something that could be done, but you can't quite frame it; when you feel like you're being crazy and impractical, but the need for something is so strong that it won't let you go
  • very late: when you have brought what needed to happen into the world, and a natural next step would be to articulate theory and practice which would extend your reach now, as well as carrying your wisdom forward beyond your lifetime. Often the core of what you have learned along the way is very difficult to put into words. Yet this is what is most needed in the long term.
Find out more about what we are working for.

This material © 2000 - 2010 by Kye Nelson. All rights reserved.